October 31, 1993
I saw River Phoenix today. On the subway riding from Kurfürstendamm to Nollendorfplatz. He had a big gorgeous ladyfriend with him. And I thought, "I don't even remember whether he was straight or gay."
The woman wore pink nail polish. And River wore Nike boots from way back when we didn't think about Nike being evil. River's eyes made me remember the pre-internet time, the feeling of being lost and getting lost completely, the German small town as remote as the countryside in 'Stand by me' - and the way you could scream at train tracks.
And then that old man stepped on my foot and apologized. And I looked up and River was gone.

/At home, I google 'River Phoenix' and the engine comes up with this picture of a model who wears a River Phoenix Shirt.
This makes me so sad. Not for River, of course. For the model and everything she represents and I think it's not even 'like city lights receding' anymore, this weblified world.
suedfiction - 4. Mär, 20:05
die Welt hat sich weitergedreht
kennst du "Dark Tower" von Stephen King? falls ja, dann sagt es dir vielleicht etwas, daß ich ihn mit Rolands Augen gelesen habe.
greetings, k